10 Sep 2015

LOMBA ACADEMIC ESSAY WRITING AND PRESENTATION DEATH PENALTY FOR CORRUPTORS: Humanity and Justice Ketua Tim : Khavid Rozaqi NISN: 9982974324 Anggota : Yusuf Yuliyanto NISN: 9989278103 Anggota : Fitria Elsa Fajria NISN: 0002112177 SMK NEGERI 1 GOMBONG Agustus 2015 Table of contents I. Background………………………………………………………………………2 II. Problem…………………………………………………………………………...2 III. Purpose of the essay………………………………………………………….…..2 IV. The scope of the essay……………………………………………………….…...2 V. Analysis………………………………………………………………………...…2 A. The trigger of primordialism………………………...........…………………2 B. Kind of deviation of primordialism …………………………………………2 C. Effect of primordialism’s deviation………………………...………………..2 D. Mechanism how to handle the primordialism’s deviation…………………3 VI. Conclusions……………………………………………………………………....4 Bibliography…………………………………………………………………..........5 I. BACKGROUND Indonesia is a country that have so many diversity like cultures, natural beauty, languages, religions, and tribes that actually able to make Indonesia as a country that recognized by the world, but unfortunately Indonesian people has not been able to understand the significance of the differences that should strengthen the state, the did the opposite. It was called “primordialism” that definition is excessive loyalty to culture subnational such as ethnicity, religion, race, regionalism, and family. So, as a result there are much deviation among the people in this country. For example, conflict among tribes in Papua. Some Indonesian tribe will think that they are best between another tribe and cause war tribes, it will cause loss for our country or even a political crisis like in July 1998 (although the trigger is different). This problem can make our motto that is “university in diversity can fail”. So, here we will be explain how to prevent it. II. PROBLEM Some problems that will be discussed in this essay can formulated as follows: A. What is the trigger that cause primordialism? B. What is kind of deviation of primordialism? C. What is the effect of primordialism’s deviation? D. How government will handle the primordialism’s deviation? III. PURPOSE OF THE ESSAY This essay is written to propose another solution for primordialism’s problem, and show that the primordialism is not a threat for Indonesia but will strengthen the unity so can create a strong national sustainabilty. IV. THE SCOPE OF THE ESSAY This essay discusses and gives more information dealing with: E. The trigger of primordialism F. Kind of deviation of primordialism G. Effect of primordialism’s deviation H. Mechanism how to handle the primordialism’s deviation V. ANALYSIS A. The trigger of primordialism The trigger of primordialism are: a. The existence of a strong will to maintain the existence of the group against external threats. b. The existence of values upheld associated with the espoused religion, customs, arts and culture c. The existence of something considered special (more valuable) by residents of a particular social group d. The presence of deep love for hometown and the members of relatives. B. The form of primordialism’s deviation The meaning of the primordial form here is the regional sentiment that could threaten the unity of a nation. In Indonesia has occurred primordialism with various actions, such as tribal war, the burning of places of worship, and acts that harm other group or tribe. There are many cases of primordialism such as war of Dayak tribe and Madura people due to cultural differences between the two tribes. For example the Dayak tribe does not allow carrying weapons in public places, but it is common for the Madura people, and therefore the lack of respect between the two tribes make a war which causing the expulsion of 500 Madura people. C. Effect of primordialism’s deviation a. Excessive primordial attitude will create chauvinism Chauvinism attitude that understimate on other tribe can make long conflict between the tribes. One tribe can snatch away territory of another tribe because they think that they better than another tribe and they feel proper to have this territory. When primordialism supported by political power and this political power can supply the weapon it can make dangerous war between the tribes. Automatically it will influence unity and integrity of Indonesia. Then primordialism can make territory or region of our country become separated and damage. b. Can foster an attitude of ethnocentrism and understimate other tribe c. It will create social conflict between tribes. d. Disturb the process of assimilation and integration and prevents social accommodation establishments, which caused a less harmonious relationship between social groups. D. Mechanism how to handle the primordialism’s deviation Here some solution to solve problem 1. If the tribe war have been done. Government will send Police and army to stop the war with take over the tribe weapon and stay in the border of both tribe until conflict is solved. Army also takes care the victim save society in this area. National Army also will catch the provocateur from two tribe. After that government will investigate the case and give equal punishment to both of tribe. After that government will invite delegation from each tribe to make agreement between two tribes to solve conflict. 2. Government socialize the important of unity in our country that enrich the culture of indonesia through education in school and tgrough the leader of the tribe. Government also will check the real condition in the regional of the tribe countinously to report the condition and potention of conflict. Government also must strengthen the rule and give clear border between two side. Government also will corporate with The Departement that control their territory. VI. Conclusion Indonesian Society Compound term was first introduced by the Netherlands FURNIVALL in his book Netherland: A Study of Plural Economy (1967), to describe the reality of Indonesian society consisting of diverse race and ethnicity so it is difficult to unite in a political and social unity. The plurality of the Indonesian society is shown by the structure of society that is unique, as diverse in many ways. Factors that cause the plurality of the Indonesian society is as follows: a. Geographical situation of Indonesia is an archipelago b. Location of Indonesia between Hindia Ocean and the Pacific Ocean as well as between Asia and Australia, Indonesia is in the middle of traffic trade. c. Different climate and soil structure in different regions of the archipelago is a factor that creates regional diversity. The influence of the plurality of the Indonesian society based on ethnicity, race and religion can be divided into positive and negative influences. Positively, there is a cultural diversity that exists in harmony and to realize a harmonious integration of the nation. Negative influences, the appearance of primordial attitude (primordialism) overload that characterizes the social interaction that appears disintegration or social conflict. And with our solution it will make Indonesian diversity can strengthen the sustainibilty of country. Because diversity like a rainbow if it is only one color is not interesting, but if many different color can be united it will seem beautiful and meaningful Bibliography http://www.kabarmapegaa.com/2015/07/perang-suku-horisontal-kembali-terjadi.html accessed on 10:12 am September 11 2015 http://daerah.sindonews.com/topic/4989/perang-suku-di-papua accessed on 10:17 am September 11 2015

8 Sep 2015

ojo golput

http://news.lukulomedia.com/tag/calon-bupati-kebumen-2015/ http://kpu.kebumenkab.go.id/

31 Agu 2015


23 Agu 2015

http://www.merdeka.com/peristiwa/ini-negara-negara-yang-beri-hukuman-mati-untuk-koruptor/china.html http://kurniaone.heck.in/inilah-5-negara-yang-menerapkan-hukuman.xhtml

1 Mar 2015



21 Jan 2015

8 Jan 2015


http://www.solusiislam.com/2012/12/­ tata-cara-pelaksanaan-khutbah-
